Mike Bazakos
Mike was the state's second State Referee Administrator. He also was a National Referee and National Assessor. Mike started the first official Mentor program for MYSA & created the FIFA club. He served as the State Director of Assessment for several administrators.

Toni Bazakos
Toni is a former State Referee Administrator and served as an administrator for the FIFA Club.

Chris Georgopoulos
Chris served as State Director of Assessment for several years , was an integral part of the first mentor program, and served as co-leader of the FIFA club.

Forster Davis
Forster served as State Referee Administrator for two years and refereed the Minnesota Kicks and hundreds of youth and adult games. He ran the mentor program in Northfield for several years and still works with the local youth officials. Forster served as an assignor for both youth clubs and the Minnesota Recreational Soccer League.

Doug Berkner
Doug served as State Director of Instruction, was a State Referee, and a National Assessor.

Heine von Mende
Heine was a long-time state referee. He frequently helped out at clinics as an assistant state referee admnistrator and served as a mentor to many youth clubs.

Karl Keller
Karl was a long-time Minnesota Recreational Soccer League assignor and referee.

Sia Rahimi
Sia served as an Adult represetative on the State Referee Committee for years. He was a National Referee, National Instructor, National Assessor, and mentor.

Jeff Filipek
Jeff was a National Referee, National Assessor, and served as the State Director of Assessment.

Gordy Schumacher
Gordy was Minnesota's first State Referee Administrator.

Pawlo Breslawek
Pawlo was part of the first group of U.S. Soccer-certified soccer referees in Minnesota. He volunteered for many years in a variety of supportive roles to the State Referee Committee.

Roy Evans
Roy served as a National Referee and National Assessor. He was the State Director of Assessment for several years.

Barry Schwach
Barry was a referee and assignor for the Minnesota Recreational Soccer League and Minnesota Women's Soccer League. He worked closely with the SRC to set up assessments & referee opportunities.

John Fox
John was a State Referee, State Assessor, and Assignor. He started the Mentor program in the north Metro suburbs.

Tina Schwach
Tina was a State Referee , State Instructor, and a long-time assignor for the Minnesota Recreational Soccer League and Minnesota Women's Soccer League. She worked closely with the State Referee Committee to foster promotion opportunities for referees.

Dave Dewitt
Dave served as the primary youth assignor, instructor, and mentor to hundreds of youth officials in Duluth for over 20 years. He administered Duluth's mentor program.

Steve Clark
Steve was a State Referee. He served as an instructor, assessor and mentor in the Rochester area.

John Easterwood
John was a State Referee. He has been a long-time referee Instructor, and still works as a mentor to many young referees.

Al Harkrader
Al was a State Referee and State Instructor as well as an integral consultant to the State Referee Committee. He continues to serve as an instructor and mentor.

Scott Selby
Scott was a State Referee, instructor, assessor, mentor, and assignor. He also served as a Minnesota Youth Soccer Association board member.

Victor Matheson
Victor was the SYRA in the 1990's, a mentor and a National Referee. He assisted Mike Bazakos in implementing the first mentor programs with MYSA.

George Pacieznik
George was the Minnesota Amateur Soccer League assignor and a longtime Referee.

Wayne Lemens
Wayne has been a volunteer, referee, and referee assignor, instructror, and mentor in the Rochester area for over 15 years. He has been instrumental in the growth of soccer and a key oranizer of the Southern Minnesota Soccer Referee Association.

Gentry Thatcher
Gentry has served a a State Referee and longtime assessor and mentor within the program. He also has years of service to the high school and college soccer communities in Minnesota.

Jim Roy
Jim has over 20 years of experience in supporting and growing officiating in the Mankato area, helping to organize an advanced topics group in the area. He has served as a referee instructor for over a decade and has been a key contributor to the high school soccer officiating organization in Minnesota for many years.